Donald Satz ([log in to unmask]) wrote:

Deryk Barker wrote of Wes Crone's negative feelings of Liszt's music:
>>In other words you don't like it.  Fair enough, but that's not the
>>same as its being "pretentious pooh-pooh"(whatever that might mean).
>Wes will answer for himself, but I feel similar concerning Liszt.  You
>don't care for "pretentious pooh-pooh"? Here's another way of putting it.
>When I listen to Liszt's music, I generally get the feeling that he's
>promoting himself - Liszt for Liszt's sake.  It's music that goes off in
>overheated directions just to overheat.  It's the worst excess of what
>Romantic-era music has to offer.  That's my subjective opinion.  I do
>feel differently concerning his late solo piano works.

I just wonder which Liszt you're basing this assessment on, considering his
enormous output.

Deryk Barker
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