Richard Hickox and the Collegium Musicum 90 have been traversing Haydn's
masses for Chandos Chaconne.  Haydn's Mass in Time of War is also
identified as Mass no.10, Missa in tempore belli, and the Paukenmesse -
take your pick (it's only a label).  Since the religious aspects of the
work mean nothing to me, I look at this work as being all about power,
propulsion, and victory.  That adds up to a strong need to crank up the
volume to get the full effect.  For me, the highlights of the work are the
2nd section of the Gloria and 3rd section of the Credo.  In the Gloria
section (track 4), Haydn surprises me with a cello opening that can melt
your heart (gets me every time).  In the Credo section (track 8), Haydn
shifts gears in mid-stream and provides an absolutely power-driven and
beautifully stirring scene.

Now to the performance.  Hickox and his orchestra are sensational.
they give us the full measure of drama and power.  There are also lyrical
passages done expertly (even warriors need a break).  The baroque cello
playing is exquisite.  The vocal soloists are a fine group excepting for
the soprano, Nancy Argenta.  I know she has quite a reputation, but I
always find her voice rather weak and not attractive.  She's not a
liability, but she adds nothing to the proceedings.  Overall, a great
performance which could have been a little better with a different soprano.

But, wait!  Does Hickox give us any additional music? Of course.  He
doesn't want us to get by with less than 40 minutes of music.  There are
two Te Deums in C major, one written in the 1760's, the other around 1800.
Both works are very fine and rousing.

For me, the big news is not the Te Deums, but the inclusion of incidental
music to "Alfred, Konig der Angelsachsen".  Haydn wrote three pieces of
music for this play:  aria, chorus, and an incomplete duet.  Hickox gives
us the aria and chorus.  The aria is an eye-opener.  It begins with an
adagio-type passage for wind and brass which is creative, serene, and
beautiful.  The aria that follows is sublime and thoroughly satisfying.
But there's more with this aria.  It has a female speaker by the name of
Jacqueline Fox.  What a voice!  When I first heard her, I had a strong urge
to hop in my car, hit the airlines, and find her wherever she might be.
This is a great aria.  I wish Jacqueline had taken Argenta's role.  The
chorus which follows is another rousing piece even better than the Te

Even considering Argenta, I consider this cd a must-buy.  You get a great
mass, two very good Te Deums, fantastic incidental music, and Jacqueline
Fox who could talk me into esctasy.  I'm in heaven.  Is that good enough,

Looking for Jacqueline,

Don Satz
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