Peter Schledorn responded to me:

>> And, in a parallel universe:
>> Furtwangler, London Ring, complete, 1930s, w/ Leider and Melchior ...
>> Tristan u. Isolde w/ Gustav Mahler (or, if not available, Richard Strauss)
>> Tristan and Parsifal w/ Toscanini (Bayreuth)
>While we're in a parallel universe, see if you can get them in good stereo

DDD, naturally!

More seriously, I need to correct myself: in case anyone is interested
in the live Arrau CD I mentioned (AFAIK Arrau didn't record Gaspard
commercially and in my experience his live recordings are far more
interesting than his studio efforts - not only are the performances freer
and more spontaneous, but Arrau's sound, which is often too closely miked
in his Philips recordings, turns out, in the more natural concert hall
surroundings, to be an extraordinarily rich and complex web of voices and
timbres creating an almost opalescent effect) - as I began to say, if
anyone is interested, it is not on Dante at all, but on a rather obscure
Italian label called Aura Classics.  You can find it on Amazon.

Felix Delbruck
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