Steve Schwartz wrote:

>Humperdinck to me stands just slightly behind Wagner and Strauss as a
>Wagnerian-opera composer, and I'm at a bit of a loss to explain his rather
>low profile among classical-music lovers.

Perhaps Humperdinck's low profile among classical-music lovers is mainly
due to his low profile among record companies.  More often than not,
a composer needs a *champion* who could be a world-known conductor or
performer, or a corporate entity employing a powerhouse marketing team.

I listen to many composers for whom I see no artistic reason for their
relative neglect.  The reasons they are neglected have nothing to do with
compositional excellence.  They just didn't and might never get the right
breaks.  Mahler got the right breaks.  He had champions who made sure that
the public would have ample opportunity to judge for themselves.  Of
course, it helps to be a great composer.

Don Satz
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