Steve Martin wrote:

>I seem to remember that this exact thread has come up before and Felix
>took a beating last time.  I thought somebody should stand up for him.

Plenty of list members are standing up for Felix.  He composed some of
the most popular and well-known works in the classical genre.  When I was
just a small child (and still am), I was very familiar with his last three
symphonies, Mid-Summer Night's Dream, Octet, Songs Without Words, and
violin concerto.

Deryk Barker wrote in response to me:

>>The clear winner in a ten round decision is Schumann.  How did that
>Rigged Votes!

Rigged votes indeed!  I simply used the one person-one vote rule which
is revered in all democratic nations - I'm the one person who votes.  You
know, I'm starting to get the feeling that my methodology and conclusions
are not fully respected.  That's quite a kick in the head given all my
painstaking preparation.

List Wise-Guy,

Don Satz
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