Edouard Cruz wrote:

>I'd like to buy Rigoletto in a near future.  The French critic like
>kubelik/Bergonzi/Scala almost unanimosly.  The British like this one
>and Callas or Sutherkand/Pavarotti.  I'd like to know the view from the
>Italians and the Germans

I'm British and I like the Guilini, Domingo version on DG.  I always find
Domingo's voice more attractive than Pavarotti's.

But for me Rigoletto is a rather dull opera.  There are few good arias.  I
am bemussed as to what criteria critics are applying when ascertaining the
hierachy of works.  There are better Verdi operas than this which don't
seem to be rated eg I Lombardi.

Bob Draper
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