Juozas Rimas <[log in to unmask]> wrote:

>I seem to be unable to listen to anyone except Bach and most of Chopin.
>...Could you give me any advice?

You certainly have two dissimilar interests, so I'm not sure exactly what
you are listening for.  I had a difficult time getting into certain piano
works, but when I got started I fell in love with Rachmaninov.  I picked
up a great disc of the Moments Musicaux with Shelly on Hyperion that was
a treat, and I also enjoyed Browning's Delos disc with the Sonata No. 2.
If you are not interested in the late Romantic type of works, try some of
the early Beethoven sonatas.  Some of them are conceived very classically
and would allow you to "ease" into the heavier rep.

If those ideas don't interest you I would suggest buying a well-reviewed
disc by Horowitz, Argerich, or whomever you enjoy where they perform works
by various composers.  If you enjoy any one in particular you could further
investigate the composer (i.e.: Schumann, Schubert, Scarlatti, etc.)

Good luck!

Jonathan Knapp