Philip Peters "got going:"

>I know a lot of recordings that I would rate higher than or at least as
>good as Kremer/Argerich.  For instance: Grumiaux/Haskil, Kreisler/Rupp,
>Heifetz/Bay, Szeryng/Haebler, Menuhin/.Kempff, Goldberg/Krauss
>(incomplete), Schneiderhan/Seemann, Oistrakh/Oborin, Suk/Panenka,
>Stern/Istomin, Francescatti/Casadesus, Leonid & Nina Kogan (incomplete),
>Busch/Serkin (incomplete), Szigeti/ Bartok (very incomplete ;),
>Perlman/ a but carried away here....

Hey, Philip: It's kind of obvious that you don't like the Kremer/Argerich
recordings very much and I'm wondering why.  These are the first recordings
of the Violin concertos that I have heard and they impress me very much.
I find them honest and moving.  I feel that a good way to learn about music
is to compare different performances, so if I was to get another set of
recordings to compare, which one(s) do you think they should be?

Thanks, a lot.

Ron Chaplin