Ron Chaplin wrote:

>All morning I've been listening to the Violin Sonatas performed by
>Gidon Kremer and Martha Argerich, MHS 534423Y.  All I can say is WOW!
>I think they are incredible performances.  I am somewhat familiar with
>Mozart's Violin sontatas and they come nowhere near Beethoven's. ... If
>any List member knows of other recordings that are better or at least
>equal to these performances, please let me know.

You would probably like the recently released recording by Argerich
and Perlman playing the 'Kreutzer'  (No. 9) at a live concert at
SaratogaFestival last year.

At any rate, for written reviews that mention and compare other recordings
with the Kremer/Argerich set, my Argerich-recordings page's listings link
to reviews available online, and you can get plenty of ideas from those.
The basic listing is alphabetical, but the "Newer" section is so large now
that it takes a bit to scroll down to the alpha-listing.

You'll of course see the listing for the CD with Perlman in the Newer

Andrys in Berkeley, CA
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