Buji Ismail wrote:

>... it is amazing what music can be.  it only consists of 12 notes
>(including semitone).  And within only the combination of these 12 pitches,
>composer can create infinite number of music.  ...  In music to describe a
>melody/tune, you're not only required to describe its space(what notes to
>play) and time (when to play) coordinates, but also you need to specify the
>duration of a note played, how fast to switch to another note, how loud the
>note should be played and so on. ...  Imagine adding extra dimensions to
>the music (more than 12 notes?) in metamusic..this would pose extra
>variables to metamusic composer.  imagine what it would sounds like.

I think your ar ignoring the physical principles behind perception of

Correct me if I am wrong but an octave is a doubling of frequency.
Each octave is divided in twelve because this is the smallest frequency
variation that can be detected by the average human ear.

These principles were laid down in the very early days of music and were
arrived at by subjective means.  Centuries later physics confimed the

So your extra dimensions would add nothing as the ear would be unable
to detect them.

In my view even the 4th dimension in physics is a trick.  Such concepts do
not translate to music.

Bob Draper
Happy end of the last but one year of the century to all.
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