Buji Ismail wrote:

>... it is amazing what music can be.  it only consists of 12 notes
>(including semitone).  And within only the combination of these 12 pitches,
>composer can create infinite number of music.  ...  In music to describe a
>melody/tune, you're not only required to describe its space(what notes to
>play) and time (when to play) coordinates, but also you need to specify the
>duration of a note played, how fast to switch to another note, how loud the
>note should be played and so on. ...  Imagine adding extra dimensions to
>the music (more than 12 notes?) in metamusic..this would pose extra
>variables to metamusic composer.  imagine what it would sounds like.

But you have forgotten to mention one of the most important characteristics
of music: timber - tone quality.  And that is also expressed in physical
terms, but the combinations are limitless.  It is timber that distinguishes
the sound of a clarinet from a violin even though they may be playing the
same pitch and holding that pitch for the same length of time.

Should I assume that your metamusic would attempt to go beyond even this?
