I clipped a small article from Texas Wic News, Nov 97 I believe, and I have
it at work posted. I copied it and gave to the nursery and posted in our
lounge as we got MANY calls this year on this. It says flu vaccine OK, gives
CDC as ref.
I wonder if this means that more moms are bf or more are getting the flu
BTW Texas WIC News is a fabulous publication. Of course it deals with Texas
(USA) WIC activities but there are lots of great articles in there on bf -
which is a major part of this publication. Recently there was one on alcohol
and "recreational" drug use and bf. So sorry I do not have it at home, I
cannot site the author(s). Some of you Texans, can you help?

Laurie Wheeler, RN, MN, IBCLC
Violet Louisiana, s.e. USA

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