I meant but forgot to mention that 22nd was St Cecilia's Day, which is
an anniversary we should always commemorate.  I thought the entry from
Brewer's Dictionary of Phrase and Fable might be of interest:

"St Cecilia.  Patron saint of the blind and patroness of music and
especially of church music.  Born in Rome, she is usually supposed to have
been martyred in AD 230, but AD 176 is a more probable date.  She was blind
and according to tradition, was inventor of the organ.  An angel fell in
love with her for her musical skill; her husband saw the heavenly visitant,
who gave to both a crown of martyrdom which he brought from Paradise.  Her
day is 22 November, on which the Worshipful Company of Musicians, a livery
company of London, meet and go in procession for divine service in St
Paul's Cathedral.  Both Dryden and Pope wrote odes in her honour."

A quick rummage through my memory produced St Cecilia Masses by Haydn and
Gounod, Purcell's Ode and a hymn to her by Britten.  Any others?

Richard Pennycuick
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