Well, thank you once again Janos for your review of Kennedy in San
Francisco.  Tonight he played the Elgar Concerto here in Edmonton, Canada.
And I haven't seen anyone play with such energy and commitment.  No wrong
notes and no violin pieces were flying about, except a few foul words from
Nige.  It's hard being objective about this, since I've been a fan for the
last 10 years, but the bad outfits aside and the chatting, Kennedy, I think
really owns this piece at the moment.  He really played as there was no
tomorrow, something about which Janos can testify.

As for the guy himself.  I got to meet him after, and yes I was wearing
my Aston Villa sweater.  He wouldn't let go of me for almost an hour,
dragging me around.  I got an invitation from him to England, naturally.
;-) Suprsingly, he was out of his concert uniform (which consisted of
sweats pants and mismatched socks) and instead was wearing a casual suit.
What's even more surprising is that he doesn't keep the act up off the
stage.  He's just very easy going and talks too much.  His new girlfriend,
a shy Polish girl, keeps him in check.  As for chatting about music, that
didn't really happen.  We talked about football for most of the time.

Milan Gowin
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