Donald Satz <[log in to unmask]> wrote:

>I was reading in ARG a review by Don Vroon of Mahler's 5th symphony
>performed by the London Symphony under the direction of Harold Farberman
>on Vox.  Vroon concluded that the Farberman was the best recording of
>Mahler's symphony. Given Vroon's nasty opinion of period instrument
>recordings and his  penchant for "heart-on-the-sleeve" interpretations,
>I'm always somewhat  skeptical of his recommendations.  What's your
>opinion of Faberman's

I didn't know Farberman made recordings of this with the LSO.  When was
this? In '72-'73 I was in the chorus of the Oakland Symphony, for which
he was the regular conductor and at that time his reputation was for
workmanlike performances.  Fairly or not, he had the nickname 'Farberware'
when people talked about him.  But we did the Mahler 8th under him and this
was the introduction of several of us to a real love of anything Mahler,
though I had heard this work from an audience perspective the year before
elsewhere.  The next year I joined the new San Francisco Symphony Chorus
for almost a decade, but my memory is that Farberman stayed with Oakland
for at least a couple of years after that.

Were his LSO recordings prior to the 70s or after? I had always wondered
what happened to him.

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