Chris Bonds ([log in to unmask]) wrote:
 [..exegesis on HvK's NDSAP membership(s) omitted..]

>While I agree that both books have substantial problems, on this point they
>seem to agree, suggesting that evidence to the contrary would have to be
>pretty convincing.

IIRC - and I still can't recall where this came from - the different
numbers are the source of the problem; at some point the Nazis renumbered
the memberships at this was the reason fo the apparent duplication.  I
suspect that both Lebrecht and Shirakawa (his book is riddled with minor
inaccuracies, BTW) have used Moor's original article as their source,
primary or secondary.

I've no axe to grind here BTW, I'd be just as happy to find that he really
had joined twice.  Michael G.  Thomas, who does so much to promote the
cause of WIllem Mengerlberg, once assured me that HvK had been a member of
the SS.  I have no idea where that came from.

As to Herbie's getting on well with members of other nations and races
after the war:  I can't say this means much to me.  Kurt Waldheim did too,
I seem to recall.

Deryk Barker
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