Ray Stamford ([log in to unmask]) wrote:

>I am writing this having just listened to the 5th Symphony (RPO - Handley)
>and can't make up my mind about this dramatic, almost sub-Mahlerian 'film'
>music which would have done something along the lines of 'War and Peace'
>or 'Ivan the Terrible' proud.  It's either brilliant or IMHO, as a lot of
>music in this genre, a bit of a curate's egg.  I would also be interested
>in how the style compares to that of Havergal Brian who, I think, dedicated
>one on his later symphonies to Simpson.  I bet there are some experts out
>there who could give a considered opinion.

I don't know enough of Brian's enormous output to consider myself an
export, but I wouldn't have said there was that much similarity between
the two.  Simpson admired Brian and during his time with the BBC made
considerable efforts on Brian's behalf and played a significant role in
what Brian revival there has been.  I suspect this was the reason for the

Deryk Barker
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