Art Scott makes me an offer I can refuse:

>I'll make you a deal, Ian -- I'll boycott orchestral programs with the
>Sibelius violin concerto if you'll stay away from piano recitals featuring
>"Pictures at an Exhibition", my bete noire.

I'd be happy to agree, but I very rarely go to piano recitals.  Some folk
on this list will take me to task for this, but I can't take much solo
piano music at one time.  Despite all the pianist-talk about tone and
colour and touch etc.  I find these things difficult to hear and my ear
gets turned off by the lack of variation.  Probably comes of not being
able to play piano myself with anything remotely approaching competence.

I'm not saying that I don't like / enjoy / appreciate / listen to solo
piano. I just prefer it in smaller chunks than I get at a recital.

Ian Crisp
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