Charles Dalmas wrote:

>I was a Mravinsky man until I heard a thundering, earth shattering fifth
>by of all groups the Scottish National Orchestra led by Neeme Jarvi on
>Chando.  When I say earth shattering, I mean earth shattering.  It's the
>most powerful Shost I have ever heard.  The Seventh is also wonderful, as
>is the Ninth.  Check them out.  They may not be definitive, but they are
>certainly worthy of respect, and they are also completely thrilling.

Yes.  I lived near Glasgow for some years and I know the SNO / NOS /
RSNO (as they now are) very well.  On the right night and in the right
repertoire they can come close to matching any orchestra in the world.
They also have one or two exceptional players - the principal bassoon
is a match for his opposite number in any orchestra I've ever heard.
So why "of all groups"? What have you got against them?

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