Donald Satz wrote:

>Being a major Bach fan and not having the long-term mind of Ian Crisp,
>I thought it might be interesting to get the list's opinion of the best
>Bach recording in 1999.  I'll tally whatever results come in, and the only
>requirements are that the recording was issued around the 1999 time frame
>and that you say something (anything) as to why you consider your selection
>an excellent one.

Don!  You're not going to restrict me to just one are you?!  Well, just
mess things about, here's my top three:

(1) Well Tempered Clavier Book II, Angela Hewitt, Hyperion CDA 67303/4

Hewitt has been traversing a very fine Bach series on the piano, her
playing technically rock solid and her style unfussy and precise.  Hew WTC
I was very good but this WTC II just shades past that fine recording.

(2) St. John Passion, Masaaki Suzuki & BCJ, BIS CD 921/2

The St. John has been the much luckier of the two great passions as far
as recording is concerned and Suzuki continues the trend here with a
beautifully thought out performance. The soloists are wonderful and the
orchestra is very fine but I think the garland goes to Suzuki himself for
the sensitivity of the conception.

(3) Sonatas BWV 964, 965, 966, 968 & Fugue BWV 954, Andreas Staier, Teldec
3984 21461-2

Andreas Staier is the harpsichordist most likely to convert me to liking
the harpsichord!  Here he gives some fine, energetic performances of some
of the rarest of Bach repertoire.  The recording is first rate too.  Staier
himself completes the incomplete BWV 968 and he does it very well.

all the best,
Simon Crouch.