Ian Crisp wrote:

>As previously announced, I propose that this time we vote for the most
>definitively twentieth-century pieces of classical music.

An impossible task.

Stravinsky:  Rite of Spring.  Is there a single list this wouldn't be on?

Debussy:  La Mer (Impressionism.  So often I find myself comparing some
20th century work to Debussy, and I'd say this is his best konwn work.)

Mahler:  Symphony 9 (To me the link between the 19th and 20th centuries)

Vaughan-Williams:  Symphony 5 (There was a lot of quiet music written this
century, and this epitomizes it as well as any.)

Schoenberg-Five Pieces for Orchestra or Pierrot Lunaire (Impossible to
avoid Schoenberg.)

Yes, I'm orchestrally oriented.

Roger Hecht