op. 127  No 12

op. 131  No 14  Beethoven considered it to be his finest quartet,
however the 3rd movement of op.132 and 4th of op. 135 have an uncomparable
emotional load and must be considered in different cathegory.  What I
suppose Beethoven ment was that op.131 is technically the finest of all,
and it would be hard to argue.  For example the 5th variation in the 4th
movement of op.131 is almost themeless and bases on the feature of
suspensions - no more no less, or the main theme of the last movement -
the silly awfully annoying and so plain theme, picked cinically as if he
wanted to proove that he can do miracles with most simple material.  The
whole work is unbelivable and often the effects he arrives at sound so
contemporary - in example the slowed 1st counterpoint theme exchanged
between players in 5th movement.

Maciej Dziekiewicz
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