Karl Miller writes:

>I am reminded of something one of my teachers once suggested.  Her idea was
>to place a ban on the music of Beethoven for some unspecified time period.
>It would give everyone an opportunity to explore repertoire and after the
>end of the ban, we might have a different perspective on Beethoven's music.
>Obviously one could add Bach, Mozart, Brahms, Tchaikovsky, et al to the

A (self-imposed) ban on listening to music which is meaningful to the
listener is much too austere for hedonistic and self indulgent people such
as I. And life is intrinsically an insecure enterprise. That Beethoven
sonata you passed up last evening may have been your very last opportunity
to hear a Beethoven sonata on this plane of existence.

However I will give it a try. From this moment on, no Yanni for the next

Professor Bernard Chasan
Physics Department, Boston University