Don Satz wrote:

>I'm aware of only Gramophone, BBC, Classic CD, Fanfare, and ARG.

About a year ago, in an exceptionally well-stocked magazine shop, I came
across a 36-page 8.5x11" saddle-stapled mag entitled Classical disCDigest,
issue 21, price $6.95.  It hails from Ringwood, NJ, the editor is Peter
Koch.  The only writer on the masthead I recognized was John Bell Young.
It was packed with well-written reviews & articles -- though all in
dauntingly small print.  Strangely, the indicia says nothing about
frequency of publication, and subscriptions are not solicited (you can
buy back issues, though).  Anybody know more about this odd (and one
would think ill-fated) enterprise?

Don, you can add to your list the Gramophone quarterly specialist mags:

For Joe Hagedorn, who wanted to know which mag would be best for a newbie,
BBC & Classic CD try hardest to be new-listener-friendly -- maybe too hard.
I've recommended ARG to newcomers with success -- its survey reviews are
excellent and it's by far the most fun to read.

Art Scott
Livermore, Cal