Samuel Barber

* Violin Concerto, op. 14
* Souvenirs, op. 28
* Piano Concerto, op. 38

McDuffie (violin), Parker (piano), Atlanta Symphony Orchestra/Yoel Levi
Total time: 70:26
Telarc CD-80441

Summary for the Busy Executive: Save your money.

A shortie, for a change.  McDuffie is wonderful, elevating the violin
concerto to the level of the Brahms in emotional intensity.  The music
is more a part of him than every other violinist I've heard.  He's more
accurate than Stern's classic, though rough-and-ready, account with
Bernstein.  He's more ardent than Perlman, who seems way too careful.
Parker, a fine musician, nevertheless seems like he's hanging on by his
interpreter's fingernails in the piano concerto.  Levi gives a slack, muddy
accompaniment.  In short, neither will replace the Stern/Bernstein violin
concerto or the Browning/Szell, both on Sony, and both, as far as I'm
concerned, the benchmarks for these works.

The Telarc sound is gorgeous, but I don't care.

Steve Schwartz