Donald Satz wrote:

>The clear winner in a ten round decision is Schumann.  How did that happen?

Because you either forgot or camouflaged Mendelssohn's Violin Concerto, his
incidental music to Midsummer Night's Dream, his *Elias* oratorio, and his

Maybe by M's "one great concerto" you meant his Violin Concerto, rather
than any of his concerto for piano(s).  If so, I would argue that the
violin concerto (in my view the perfect violin concerto the way *Carmen*
is the perfect opera*) is sufficiently sublime to more than compensate
for Schumann's arguable superiority in other media.  I myself prefer both
of Mendelssohn's Piano Concertos to Schumann's, but I like the latter
sufficiently to understand that others might not share that view.

Admittedly I've come tardily to an appreciation of Schumann.  I used to
consider his piano music narcotic but have revised my opinion after hearing
some new performances, mainly Uchida.

Walter Meyer