Postings on a Bach basic library were not plentiful, but a library for
Beethoven works might be since just about everyone thinks they know the
best Beethoven recordings.  Sorry, but that distinction actually applies
to a small number of persons (myself included).

Here's my basic library, and you should obtain all these recordings to have
the best available:

Piano Sonatas - Giles, Brendel, Pollini.
Diabelli Variations - Kovacevich, Yudina.
Violin Sonatas - Mutter.
Piano Trios - Borodin Trio.
String Quartets - Tokyo, Melos, Alban Berg, Vegh.
Piano Quintet - Perahia.
Septet/Sextet - Old Fairfield Academy.
String Trios/Serenade - L'Archibudelli.
Piano Concertos - Brendel/Rattle/Levine, Perahia/Haitink, Levin/Gardiner.
Violin Concerto - Beths/Weil.
Triple Concerto - Oistrakh/Rostropovich/Richter/Karajan.
Symphonies - Harnoncourt, Gardiner.
Fidelio - Mackerras.
Mass in C - Gardiner.
Missa Solemnis - Gardiner, Klemperer.
Choral Fantasy - Tan/Norrington.
Absolute Best Beethoven Recording - Late Piano Sonatas from Pollini.

Don Satz
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