Don Satz wrote:

>While going into a web site to buy the Zander 5th and 7th, I noticed
>that his performance of the 9th is available on the Carlton label.  Since
>the ninth, as you all know, is Beethoven's crowning achievement in the
>symphonic form, that cd is interesting as well.  Any comments on it? I
>tried buying the 5th and 7th today at local stores but didn't have any

The Zander Beethoven 9th is excellent and follows the same performance
"tradition" of following metronome markings exactly.  The timing for the
entire performance comes in at 57'51".  The booklet with the CD is
basically an essay on Zander's performance philosophy.

Bottom line, if you are interested in a "different" interpretation of the
9th, definitely go for it.

If you like Shostakovich, he also has an excellent Shostakovich 5th, again
stressing a strict adherence to tempo markings in the score.  Both the
Beethoven and Shostakovich are available at Berkshire for $1.99 each.

Ron Ackermann
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