Deryk Barker wrote:

>Milan Gowin ([log in to unmask]) wrote:
>>Depsite the controversy that has accompanied the CD put out by Lara
>>St. John, ...  I have to admit, her playing of Bach's Chaconne for
>>unaccompanied violin is simply breath taking.  Prior to hearing her version
>>of it, I was quite partial to Grumiaux version.  I still like his complete
>>set of the sonatas and partitas, but somehow, the chaconne isn't as smooth
>>as the rest of the pieces.
>Is it supposed to be smooth?

Perhaps the choice of words here isn't that great.  I meant it was too
choppy in some places for my taste.  However, once Grumaiux hits the
arrpegiated chords, from there on, I enjoy his version.

As to whether the piece should be smooth, if I understand the question, I
always thought that a chaconne should be played in a stately manner, IMHO.
Then again I could be wrong.

Milan Gowin
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