Richard Pennycuick ([log in to unmask]) wrote:

Deryk Barker advised:
>>You really should have Casadesus' set on Sony Heritage, which includes
>>the LH concerto.

Deryk, is that the version with Ormandy and the Philadelphia that was on LP
>with the Mozart Double Concerto, or is it a pre-LP recording?

If I could find the damned thing I could tell you, unfortunately it's in
one of the 'to be filed' piles which infest most rooms of the house and
right now I can't lay my hands on it.  I didn't think it was Ormandy, but
it was a good few months ago now that it appeared.

BTW I should also add that the Vox set with Perlemuter and HOrenstein
doing the concertos also has Perlemetur doping Gaspar, Jeux d'eau, Menuet
sur lo nom de Haydn, Miroirs, Menuet antique, Ke TOmbeau de Couperin,
Pavane pour une Infante defunte, the Sonatine, Prelude and Valses nobles et
sentimentales.  Total of 155 minutes for not much cash at all.  CDX2 5507.

Deryk Barker
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