What more can a fan say than "Keith rules!".  His approach is quite unique.
Keith's idealisms of tonal properties are spactacular.  Keith strives to
merge man and music in a way that will follow him after his leaves us.

I still yet have to hear "The Koln Concert", but I do have is La Scala
concert in 1997 (which was a few months ago available on BMG Music Club on
clearance for $3 for the disc!).  I love this recording, and recommend it
to all.  Also, could try some of Jarrett's 1970's recording with Charlie
Haden and Paul Mortian.  [For fun, compare the Triste on Jeff Tain Watts
new release against it recorded on Brandford Marsalis' Requiem album
against Jarrett and Mortian on (i think) Secrets, or one of the Impulse
recordings].  Have fun.

Martin Nickison II
student-Computer Science and Mathematics
Youngstown State University