On Sat, 16 Oct 1999 00:26:24 EDT, [log in to unmask] wrote:

>Hello Be friends,
>Does anyone have any general information on the 99 honey crop for
>Connecticut?  Quality/quanity.
>J. R.

I have about 1/3 of my hives in northern Conn. the exhisting hives were down
appx 25%. 17 new hives that I started produced 300lbs of honey. except
that I have been feeding them since aug 15 and still continue to do so
because they still are not heavy enough for winter. also their was so
little honey coming in most of my honey supras were never removed as they
needed the honey to survive, so most of these hives are 3 to 4 supras
deep. If I was doing it for a living I'd be looking for some of those
low interest government loans!!! this year. in a previous posting you
were looking for info on the Conn beekepers organization, if you ever
find out how to contact them please let me know also. thanks mike

reply to
Does anyone have any general information on the 99 honey crop for
Connecticut?  Quality/quanity