The best 1st I have is with Pollini.  It is good, but not fantastic.
I'm looking for a fantastic one.  Is there with Cortot? I have some Brahms
with him that I consider great? But I far prefer the 2nd Conc.  Somebody
said referring to Brahms (I read it in Portuguese) about his "Olympic
Anydiference" (or something like that in English).  I think it is the best
expression to the first steps - compass? - of this magnific 2nd Conc.  It
is a much more mature (IMO) work than the 1st.  It has this "Olympic View"
the other doesn't.  To bring up this "Olympy" is only for great pianists.
Most of them don't achieve it.  My favorite record is the one with Gregory
Sandor and Reinhardt (OR Baden-Baden).  Do any one agree or disagree? Did
they record the first, too.  Did Kempff record it.

Renato Vinicius