Bob Draper wrote in response to me:

>>Third, I find in much of Vivaldi's music a significant degree of
>So, Vivaldi as well has "too many notes"!  This seems at odds with
>the statement above about only one layer.

Nice try, Bob, but you're not catching me on this one.  In my view,
"note-spinning" and "too many notes" do not necessarily go together.
Note-spinning reflects poor musical construction and a lack of substantive
musical purpose.  It might involve too many notes, might not.  Besides, how
much credence do you want to give the "too many notes" theme?  Should we
sart discussing how to judge the correct number of notes in a composition?
I'm sure we'll all agree on this one - 350 notes.  Attention wanes after
that number.

Don Satz
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