Bob Draper ([log in to unmask]) wrote:

>For me classical music is a journey of exploration. I want to peek
>into as many dusty corners as possible and dig out the gems to be
>found there. Better to spend my money doing this than purchasing
>umpteen copies of Beethoven's ninth (for instance).

Well, one might argue that a 2nd-rate performance of B9 is preferable to
a first-rate performance of some of the stuff which has surfaced on CD in
recent years.  But I'll stick with the case I made earlier:  great music
needs to be heard in different interpretations.

>Surely it is somewhat parochial to stay with the same repertoire
>over and over. Also, dare I say that this attitude seems to be
>characterised by those who have fetish over Austro-German composers.

Pleas withdraw the word "fetish" or we may come to blows.....

Deryk Barker
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