Bob Draper writes:

>I have been surprised at the way some list members are so obsessed
>with purchasing multiple copies of the same work in order to
>chase that dream of  a performance of absolute perfection.

There being no such thing as a "perfect" or "definitive" performance of
a work, one can only truly begin to know it by hearing it from multiple
perspectives.  This is why, despite the size of my CD collection (>3500 CDs
and still growing) I still attend live performances regularly.

>Surely it is somewhat parochial to stay with the same repertoire
>over and over.

Surely these two "acquisition strategies" are not mutualy exclusive? Though
my collection does indeed include as many as a dozen or more performances
of a single work, it includes representation of over 750 composers, and
deeply explores the "backwaters" of even the most famous composers' output.
