Bob Draper wrote:

>It does raise the question: How do the list members who love Bach yet
>criticise Vivaldi justify their stance?

I think I already answered the question as it affects me.  I LOVE Bach.
I also love many Vivaldi works but he simply isn't in my top 10 or maybe
20 composers.  Bach was a great composers but that doesn't mean he had
great taste.  I am not judging his taste; I don't think anyone should
judge Bach's taste.  The fact remains, however, that Bach LOVED a composer
whom I find to be incredible repetitive and sometimes even dull.  I mean,
didn't Mozart really like JC Bach's music or am I mistaken? If so, there
is another example of an incredible master being quite fond of music by a
composer who we probably think is nowhere in the same league as Mozart
(this is NOT my opinion, by the way).  As I said, great artists don't
necessarily have great taste.  Same goes for anyone, really.  Maybe I am
totally wrong here but I'd like to think not.

--Wes Crone