Tom Connor:

>Anyone have an opinion of the Columbia Record Club.  12 free Cds for
>joining, only have to buy 5 over 2 years, etc.  Shipping is high, but I'm
>curious about members experiences.

I dropped my membership.  My credit card number changed, and they couldn't
seem to get it through their heads.  I wrote, called, and e-mailed several
times.  Each time they assured me it was now taken care of, and then they
continued to charge to the invalid card.  I have no confidence in a firm
that doesn't understand basic billing and accounts receivable.

They kept sending me offers to join Play, their "hassle-free" club.  In a
weak moment, I told a telemarketer that I would.  He then tried to give me
a free CD.  I wanted none of the CDs he had, but I had to take one in order
 for the agreement to be binding.  I asked for what was for me the least
objectionable.  I received it and the catalogue.  Going through the entire
catalogue, I found two CDs I wanted.  To call the selection "meagre" ... I
realized  I wouldn't be able to buy the requisite number of CDs in the
allotted time.  Of course, I could have had all the Charlotte Church I
wanted.  I finally  sent back the introductory CD, unopened, and a letter
telling them to drop me.  It took them four months.

Steve  Schwartz