David Runnion wrote:

>I ask this because I think it is interesting that in my experience
>professional musicians don't listen to music that much.

Well Dave, you don't hang around the same crowd of professional musicians
that I do.  My personal cd collection is nearing 1000.  Were it not for a
nasty apartment fire three years ago, it would be nearly 4000.  I buy 3-5
new cd's per week and listen to music almost every waking moment.  My
circle of close friends is about 80% professional musicians and we tend to
go out and drink beer and play darts till midnight then crash at someone's
pad to check out the newest additions to our collections.

>My personal collection consists of about 100 CDs, less than half of
>which are CM, and of those I actually listen on a regular basis to only
>a handful.  The rest of my collection is mostly rock and roll, Frank
>Sinatra, Spanish and Argentinian music, and a bit of jazz.

I also listen to a number of other genres, especially jazz and vocal such
as Sinatra, June Chrity, Julie London etc.

>I wonder if non-musicians are really aware of how little professionals
>actually listen to recordings.

I think you are the odd one out Dave, as I was in the record retail biz
for 10 years and my experience says that my most frequent customers and
most avid enthusiasts were the pros.

>I find it a little coals-to-Newcastle, myself.  I spend my days playing
>CM, and when I come home, the last thing I want to do is to listen to more
>of it.  More likely a good dose of Aerosmith to get my head straight!

That would drive me to drugs and alcohol.

Kevin Sutton