Mats Norrman wrote:

>Bob Draper <[log in to unmask]> writes:
>>You must mean the excellent Naxos issue by the Failoni Orchestra conducted
>>by Hanspeter Gmur.  Great sound, great performance of these highly original
>You mean the symphonies on Ovids methamorphoses 1-6, theyre good. What not
>can be said about the rest of the Dittersdorf - those lead by Uwe Grodd.
>Dull and boring playing. All to slow and smoothen out.

I have been thinking about Dittersdorf lately after just listening to a
disc of his Requium etc.  I have to say that this disc didn't impress much
on one hearing unfortunately.

It's hard to judge for certain on such a small available discography but I
get the feeling that Dittersdorf was a composer who had ideas but didn't
have the techniques to put them into practice.

Like all such composers every so often he came up with some something good
like the symphonies in question.

Bob Draper
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