Felix Delbruck wrote:

>However, I'm more averse than some to reverberent recordings - the
>acoustic spoiled the Salomon Quartet's recordings for me, and I'm
>also having problems with Brendel's Schubert sonata D. 959 recommended by
>Don Satz for that reason.

I'm sorry to hear that Felix is having this problem.  I've recommended both
the Salomon and Brendel/Schubert and didn't have a clue that anyone would
find the sound not acceptable.  I just don't notice any reverberation
problem with these recordings.

Since Felix has the recordings and is not satisfied with the sound, the only
thing I can recommend at this point is to try using an equalizer to "tame"
the undesireable aspects of the sound.  It works for me about 90% of the
time, and that level of success makes the purchase price of the equalizer
well worth absorbing.

Don Satz
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