Jeffrey Hall

>I know what you are talking about.  As a relative newbie to CM (4 years),
>I listen to very little Bach.  I know, I know, this is sacrilege.  But I
>_love_ melody, and Bach just doesn't do it for me (not yet).
>I started the thread about "Your Favorite Movement".

You opened up a Pandora's box there.

>Look at one of my picks: piano concerto 20 by Mozart, first movement,
>Beethoven cadenza.  If more powerful, beautiful melody can be crammed
>into a single movement, somebody please let me know.

Try Haydn:
Symphony 63 Andante
Symphony 83 Andante
Symphony 41 Andante
Symphony 48 Adagio
Symphony 101 Andante
Symphony 100 Allegro
Quartet OP 76 No 3 Adagio
etc etc etc.

But beware these aren't gooey sugary offerings.
These are melodies that give you goose pimples.
These are melodies that may make you cry.
These are melodies that contain EMOTION.

The Germans certainly new what they were doing when they utilised
that last item as their anthem.

Jeffrey you say you are new to music.  Have you listened to any Haydn yet?
If not why not?

Bob Draper
In Support Of  The Master
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