David Runnion wrote:

>Wes Crone wrote:
>>On the other side you have composers like Mr.X, (unnamed) who write lovely
>>melodies and cute, childish piano pieces......fun for the whole family. ...
>CUTE CHILDISH PIANO PIECES????? Wes, I'm amazed.  First of all, I thought
>you were the one who was going to get famous because you write music that
>people like.  (Fun for the whole family).

Actually I never said I was going to get famous for writing music people
like.  I said I would LIKE to become well known for my music.  I could
really care less whether people like my music or not.  I write my music for
God.  God gave me many gifts and I want to give back with all that I love.
Maybe this sounds cheesy or righteous or something but it's just the truth,
nothing more.  I also said I write honest, unpretentious music.  I said I
hoped it would be taken seriously, at least, for its honesty and integrity.

>Then you wrote some intelligent posts, and best of all, eliminated those
>damn ellipses.

I like you Dave.  We had a rough time awhile ago but you're a good man.  To
be honest, though, I could care less what you think of my postings.  I'm
not even going to proofread this one because I know you will do it for me.

>But this gratuitous insult of Mozart, well, I'm amazed.  Haven't you ever
>listened to his string quartets, the clarinet concerto, did you know Mozart
>wrote opera?

Of course I know Mozart wrote these things.  Apart from the clarinet works
and a few quartets and quintets I yawn at the very thought of his music.
Please don't mistake this for arrogance, it's just a direct expression of
my opinion.  Am I allowed?

>Pretty melodies...I am truly amazed that anyone who likes CM could put
>down Mozart like that.  They weren't pretty melodies, Wes, they are the
>most beautiful and perfect melodies ever written by anybody.

And here is one of your opinions, Dave.  I won't criticize you for
making such wild claims as this.  Mozart, greatest melodies ever written
by anybody?!? I just disagree.  I would also like to add that I find it
INCREDIBLY hard to believe that my comments AMAZED you.  Especially after
all that we have seen from fellow list members regarding composers they may
not like.  It's a simple thing really, not everyone likes the same music.
Some people are totally annoyed by some music.

>And what is melody, anyway, but the most basic of musical beauty, song,
>voice, shape, phrase, what we sing.  As much as I am impressed by Bach's
>ability to write fugues and complex counterpoint, it doesn't move me
>like a simple melody, like some of the haunting, perfect melodies of
>some of Mozart's "childish" piano concertos, the heavenly delicacy of
>the flute/harp concerto, the robustness of the Hunt quartet, just to name
>a few.

I couldn't have said it better myself, except that I disagree.  You just
told me what moves you and I told you what moves me.  With the case of
Mozart, I just gave an example of someone that does NOT move me.

>We disagree on this one, Wes.  I like Bach a lot, and I admire his output,
>but for me Mozart *is* classical music and is the greatest composer in
>history and his music is as close to absolute perfection as humankind has
>ever approached.

Time to wrap things up.  Of course we disagree, if we never disagreed I
think I would probably hate you just as I would hate to have a clone of
myself.  I'm glad you disagree.  I wish people would stop getting so wound
up about hearing a different opinion.  Let me use part of YOUR reply to
make my final point....(ellipse) "...but for me..." Once again, quoting
your last paragraph, "...but for me..." These were words you used to let
people know you were describing your opinion.  This is about the same a I
was doing, I was just a little overzealous with my improperly pontificated,
perpetually profound posting.  (Whew!) Anyway, all in good fun, Dave.  Take
