Aaron Rabushka <[log in to unmask]> wrote:

>>I've also heard that some of Bach's visual problems came from
>>his hand-copying The FitzWilliam (cap?) Virginal Book by moonlight.

Bob Lyman added:

>My understanding is that both Bach's and Handel's blindness was partially
>the result of years of eye strain.  I believe this was a fairly common
>occurance with composers (and copyists, writers, etc.) who managed to reach
>advanced years.

And when one thinks of doing musical notation by candlelight, it is easy to
see why...

>Delius managed to figure out a system for dictating his
>music to an assistant after he went blind.

Of course Delius lived into the era of electric light, so his case was

Julia Werthimer <[log in to unmask]>
California, USA