Tony Duggan wrote:

>In the Daily Telegraph.
>It's a conductor's world, says Norman Lebrecht

Dave won't print this I know, but Lebrecht is, always has been and
always will be, an a*****e.  Ozawa sacked? I don't think so.  Once again,
he implies scandal that doesn't exist and touts conspiracy theories that
rival those surrounding the Kennedy assassinations.He delights in painting
the bleakest picture for the noblest of all the arts.  Christ, who does
this idiot think he's helping.  If classical music were in fabulous shape
with fully endowed orchestras playing to full houses under conductors that
everyone adored, this cretin would be, er, let me see, UNEMPLOYED!  Perhaps
he might consider writing about politics where there is nothing good and no
one really gives a damn!

Kevin Sutton