Eric K replies to my post:

>I checked the Tahra web site and there are no Solomon/Brahms concerti
>performances listed.  Are you perhaps confusing this with something else?
>The idea of more Solomon performances whets the appetite, so please let me
>know if these exist and where.

Having dug around in my LP collection I found recordings of both Brahms
piano concerti by Solomon.  My copies are on Turnabout/Vox Historical
series.  No.  1, # ths 65110, is with Rafael Kubelik and the Philharmonia,
recorded in May 1952 in Kingsway Hall, London.  No.  2, # ths 65071, is
with Issay Dobrowen and the Philharmonia, recorded in April and May 1947.

I guess I should get the turntable repaired.  My memory is this is an
outstanding 1st.  I first heard Solomon do the Beethoven 4th on record
a few years back, then I would pick up other Solomon recordings as they
were found.

Regrettably, neither is 77.23+ bit, Surround Sound Spectacular, but with
these performances, who cares? I would hope these will turn up on CD some


Tom Connor
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