Deryk Barker wrote:

>The problem is often that the looks of the artist have outwieghed their
>musical abilities with the record company.  The Eroica Trio seems to me a
>good example.  Undoubtedly very cute - and on the CD I have (their debut I
>think) we get photos of them in 3 changes of clothes.  But I cannot believe
>there aren't a number of more talented but less photogenic trios out there.

Yes, but traditional record covers have often shown artists looking very
profound, or inspired, or like incredibly nice people.  No doubt these
covers were intended to sell records, and some of them were undoubtedly
more interesting than the records they covered.  So I say again, that it's
only when sex or glamour are involved that people find any impropriety in
the situation.

>The other is when the cover verges on the pornographic - and I maintain
>that Lara St. John's Bach disc cover verged on the pedophile.  I for one
>would never have bought that disc in the store.

Agreed.  By the way, speaking of sex and music, does anyone remember the
name of that female cellist who performed topless in England years ago?

Richard, who invites you to visit his music, outdoors and other WWW sites