Kevin Sutton wrote Re: Lara St. John's now notorious cover:

>"...That I object to the Ls.J cover is not a product of any desire to
>be a thought policeman.  It is me desire to see things presented in good
>taste, and in a way which does not so much as imply that children are being

When I first saw this cover, I guessed that it was an attempt to cover
up a CD of unremarkable music.  I since have heard that it contains some
really excellent playing and the next time it shows up in the used CD bin,
I think I might give it a try.  What never crossed my mind, however, was
that this was a case of pseudo-kiddy porn.  Ms St.  John is an attractive
young woman but there is no reason to assume from the cover that she is
less than legal age for posing behind a violin, whatever that may be.
Maybe I'm jaded, but it's hard to see why anyone found this picture
particularly shocking.

John Parker
Tucson, Arizona