Ahem.  I admit that I actually DO work out to Wagner (I still have to
work on the issue of baldness though).  Everyone his own discjockey in the
gym in this age of portable audio.  In my opinion, Wagner, especially the
orchestral interludes to the Ring, are among the BEST classical pieces for
this purpose.  I especially recommend Wotans ride to Erda.  Better than
steroids.  Don't know about the Liebestod though - "mild und leise" isn't
excatly what's called for in this circumstance, is it? Other good gym music
for me includes Berlioz (Sym.  fantastique, Les Troyens), Prokofiev Ballet
scores, Janacek's Sinfoniettta, and many Stokowski arrangements (for
example his Pictures of an exhibition).  I think good gym music should have
a high level of excitement, a strong, propulsive rhythm, and not too big a
dynamic range (so you can hear it over the ambient noise).  I'd be
interested in any other suggestions.

Best regards, Andreas