Don Satz:

>... I assume that the motivation of DG is to "sell" Mutter not only as one
>of our outstanding violinists, but also as a very "hot/accessible" chick.
>What do you folks think of this approach?

I think it's an indication, if any were needed, of tough times for the
majors.  It's not as if the world desperately needs another Four Seasons to
go with the God alone knows how many there are already.  I don't disagree
that Anne-Sophie is a very attractive young woman who also happens to be a
hell of a violinist, but I'd enjoy her playing just as much if she looked
like Attila the Hun with a hangover.  There are lots of musicians whose
work I admire and I have no idea what they look like.  It just doesn't

Tore Steenslid tells us that the orchestra on the CD is a Norwegian one.
It's good to know that DG are recording Norwegian musicians and I'm glad
they got the gig.  If the CD sells its socks off, well and good - everybody
makes a buck.  But I doubt that many or any of us on the list would buy a
CD for its cover.

I have a vague memory of a DG Karajan cover with a light shining between
his legs from behind.  Perhaps there's something in the Hamburg water.

Richard Pennycuick
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